Friday, 15 March 2013


We have a mountain to climb for us to reach our economic target growth here in South Africa. We are facing a very huge problem of unemployment, with almost two and a half million South African youth currently out of work and not in school. Apartheid is one of the reasons why this problem has escalated so rapidly through the past years, but we cannot live on blame, we must stand up and make things happen. Here at Nkosi’s Haven have grabbed the bull by the horn, we have a plan is process that will come in handy on addressing this problem we are facing.

In 2008 we bought a 12 Acer farm of which we want to create job opportunities for mothers and children infected with HIV/AIDS, around areas in Sebokeng. This is a job opportunity for infected people without education, who are finding it difficult to find a job for provides their families. The farm will provide them with skills on how to self sustain, how to produce, run a business. Our aim is to create 300 jobs 200 children and 100 mothers and we want to make this project broad by including jobs like furniture making, beading and candle making.

We are a HIV/AIDS facility, so we value a healthy lifestyle. Our farm will be producing organic products form organic fruits and vegetables to organic meat. Organic products are very healthy considering that we are an HIV/AIDS organization we will be providing good and healthy products for our organization and other organization that will be doing business with us once this project is up and running. The important of organic food is that:

  • Low level of pesticides
  • They contain no synthetic additives, they are preserved and sweetened naturally using substance such as honey and grape juice
  • They have a significant high level of nutrients
  • Organic livestock products do not use antibiotics or growth hormones.
  • The are free of Genetically Engineered (GE) ingredients
  • They have less cholesterol

This won’t take away the unemployment problem away but it will help the government in a way, it will take more that this project to decrease this high rate of unemployment, but it takes project like this one to give people hope. Hopefully if we manage to acquire more funds we will make this project bigger that this, we believe that we all deserve a far chance this is why we are making it possible for HIV/AIDS diagnosed people to make something of their lives.

You can visit our website for more information or any kind of assistance.


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