Friday, 19 April 2013


Nkosi’s Haven is a place with so many talents. When this place was first opened HIV/AIDS people where promised a place where they will live freely without any discrimination and we proud to say that we have been doing that all this past
years. Nkosi Johnson wishes was to open a place that can take care of mothers and children, a place where they can live like the rest of us because we are all the same irrespective of our status.

We have been operating for 13 years now and still growing. We have had some good years and rough years but we still prioritise the needs of our resident. We have people coming here for various reasons, the family members rejecting them because of their status, some rapped and infected with HIV. But here it is a place where you will never be judged because of your past. Here in Nkosi’s Haven we are one big happy family. Living together, going through all the difficulties together.
A fun day for Nkosi's Haven children

We value our residents need. The need for shelter, education, water and food, we do all our best to provide our resident with a normal life just like anyone of us. We have kids with a lot of talent from soccer, singing, ballroom dancing, art, netball etc. We get help form different types of organisation and people to nature our kids’ talent. We all deserve an opportunity in life and here we are giving our kids that opportunity. Our mission is to provide a better living condition, best education and a healthy lifestyle for our residents. We would have not got this far if it was not for all the people with a caring heart out there nationally and internationally. We pledge with everyone out to please join hands with us and fight this epidemic disease. Let’s help those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, let’s not laugh and discriminate them. The bible say we were all created from God’s image so let’s not throw hand our sisters and brothers. “We are one”

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